Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Various unix processes canproduce fast growing logs thatsometimes need to be trimmedinstead of deleted, for referenceor troubleshooting. And youlikely have no desire to edit thefiles. Here is a handy kshscript that will quickly trimthe log so it keeps recentinformation and lets you keep asmany lines as you think you mightneed.

I call it trimlog:

#! /bin/sh
# trimlog
filesize=`cat $1wc -l`
trim=`expr $filesize - $2`
if [ $trim -gt 0 ]
sed "1,$trim d" $1 > /tmp/$1
mv /tmp/$1 $1
echo $1 trimmed by $trim lines
echo "Invalid argument"
Use it by feeding in the name of the log you want to trim followedby the number of lines you want to keep:

# trimlog oracle_listener.log 10000

Of course you can't use it in the /tmp directory.
There are probably newer and more efficient ways to do this, but this works.

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